Nov 6, 2017

Where would you like to go?

Where would you like to go, Miami, Cannes or Dubai?

Of course, nowhere is also an option! But, what is not an option is to ignore the multitude of challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa. The top 10 poorest countries in the world are all said to be in our region. In fact, the situation is so grave that anyone anywhere with a brilliant idea could borrow one of our problems and make it a showcase. Remember the Marathon Walker that won 2 Gold Lions, 2 Bronze Lions and made the Shortlist in 4 additional categories in Cannes Lions 2015? Yes, it was done by Ogilvy Paris.

A Call to Help Create Solutions 

As Creativity Week 2018 competition entries season opens, we welcome talented young men and women in West and Central Africa to come together to lend their creativity towards solving some of the region’s most critical challenges. The competitions include Young Pitcher Integrated CompetitionYoung Lions CompetitionRoger Hatchuel Academy and Miami Ad School Scholarship Competition

Young Pitcher Integrated Competition

Win this competition and you’re off with your teammate to enjoy an all-expense-paid trip to  Dubai Lynx Festival! The Young Pitcher Integrated Competition is open to any team of two professionals who are 30 or less working in any area of marketing communications (Media, PR, Creative, Digital etc) in West and Central Africa. Learn more

Young Lions Competition

You may not be a sprinter or a striker, but you’re also talented in a unique way. And, nothing beats the pride of being the one to fly the flag for your country or the glory that follows when you win for your company and your country in your specialist area at the international competition. The first leg of the Young Lions Competition is a national competition. It is open to teams of 2 professionals who must be 30 or less and is available  in categories including, Film, Digital, PR and Marketing. The winners in each category will represent their country at the finals in Cannes, France

This competition is a hunt for future leading creatives. It is open to students from tertiary institutions who intend to work in Creative Communications on leaving school. Three top winners are recognized. The first-place winner gets an all-expense-paid trip to Cannes Lions for the Roger Hatchuel Academy. The first runner-up wins an all-expense-paid trip to Dubai for the Lynx Academy (both curtesy of the Advertising Practioners Council of Nigeria, APCON). The bronze medal winner gets a full annual subscription to Lürzer’s Archive plus KreativeKlub annual membership. Also in this category, the supervising lecturer of the gold medal winner gets “the Best Teacher” Award plus a cash award of N100,000, while the school with the top cumulative performance wins the “Best School” Award. The 2017 Roger Hatchuel Prize gold medal winner came from the University of Lagos, while the Pan Atlantic University won the “Best School” for 2017.

Winners of this competition will get a 50% tuition scholarship to study at any Miami Ad School campus of their choice in Europe or the United States of America whether for the Diploma, Bachelors or Masters programme.