Pitcher Festival provides two major platforms, the Future Creative Leaders Academy and the Young Professionals Academy to help accelerate the career development of talented youths to greatness. Each academy has its own intensive training programme, life-changing competitions and usually connects with our partner events, bringing participants together with their peers from around the world.
Young Professionals Academy
The Young Professionals Academy (YPA) welcomes professionals of up to 30 years working in areas such as Advertising, Brand Management, Digital Communications, Copywriting, Art Direction and Marketing Communications in general from across Africa. The Young Professionals Academy hosts the first leg of the Young Lions Competitions. Winners will represent their countries in the Global Young Lions Competitions during the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in France. The Young Pitcher Competitions will reward exceptional individual talent and skill in areas such as Copywriting, Art Direction, Digital Craft and Media Strategy. Winners will be announced on during the Pitcher Festival of Creativity. This complements the Young Lions Competitions, which rewards team efforts.
Future Creative Leaders Academy
The Future Creative Le
aders Academy (FCLA) brings together students from several tertiary institutions for seminars, screening and workshops conducted by a faculty of industry experts. The FCLA serves as an early immersion for the students into the competitive world of advertising. It also provides a platform for selecting participants for the Roger Hatchuel Student Academy of the Cannes Lions Festival. Every year the Academy holds a competition to reward the best performing students, the best participating tertiary institution and the best supervising lecturers. Participation must first be cleared by the student's Head of Department after which registration may now be made on our website. For HODs in advertising or related fields whose students have not participated before and will like to be included, please send an email to info@pitcherfestival.com.
To learn more about the Pitcher Festival Academies, click here.