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Pitcher Awards 2022 Heritage and Channel Jury presidents Announced

Pitcher Festival has announced the appointment of the Heritage and Channel jury presidents for the 2022 Pitcher Awards. The jury president for the Heritage category is Steve Babaeko

President, Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria & CEO/CCO X3M Ideas, Lagos, Nigeria while the Channel jury president has been named as Joel Rao, Chief Executive Officer, Digital & Customer Experience, Dentsu Aegis, Kenya. Earlier, Pitcher Festival had announced the jury presidents for the other for categories namely Craft, Entertainment, Digital and Good. Details of all the jury presidents are available here.

The Heritage jury will review entries in Print, Film, Design and Outdoor while the Channel jury will review entries in Integrated Campaigns, Use of Media, Use of Data, PR and Reputation Management as well as Use of Insights and Strategy.

Pitcher Awards is the pan-African benchmark for creative excellence and is open to work created or implemented anywhere in Africa. Entries for Pitcher Awards are currently open and entry information and entry platform can be accessed from here.

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